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9,913,864 Messages displayed since 03/03/2007

Anything but the obvious:

Message from Mike coastal CT

That's an amazing image.

I hate to keep mentioning Joe B...because I don't want it to seem personal (I'm SURE he's a heck of nice guy). However, as I've said a few times, one of the saddest things to me having spent some years studying climate, is how bias and worse - marketing and hype have destroyed the study of climate, and the publics ability to take seriously what academic folks who study climate say.

Now is it me (maybe it is?) Watch this vid of Joe B/Weatherbell: Despite what IS happening....despite what (historically) SHOULD happen....he tries to spin every part of it into somehow it means it will turn cold.

...."It looks NOTHING like the 1997/1998 El Nino" (Why - because most of the USA was warm that winter - esp his area in PA)...

..."a lot of times November turns out different than what the winter is like"(Why - of course because much of the USA has been warm this November, and he's wishcasting it ends)

...listen to the total BS from 2:57 to 3:17:

...more BS at 8:12 to 8:17.....A snowstorm on Dec 1st somewhere but likely guess where (wait for it - WHERE HE LIVES in Northeast).

...note how near 9:40...he hides the temp anomaly bar....

...THe biggest thing of course...is that he tries to take all these indexes (of course only the ones that show cold in the eastern USA - LOL) and show how they are all showed cold in the east the years they occurred. Yes that is true...BUT ABOUT THE OTHER INDEXS THOSE YERAS????? WHAT WERE THEY???

...ect it goes on and on and on....Listen to it carefully - EVERYTHING HE SEES points to a cold winter...coming cold winters...and colder times.


If one is going to be bias...at least try to hide it - LOL

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