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Nansho Daidai

Nachricht von Jost Z7b

Ich habe am 2.4. bei Eisenhut die Nansho Daidai
erworben. Eine imposante Zitruspflanze mit Dornen
bis zu 10 cm !
Citrus taiwanica wird in " Hardy Citrus For The
Southeast " von Tom McClendon Southeastern Palm
Society mit Hardy to about 5°F = - 15°C
Von Citrus taiwanica gibt es eine Hybride , die
Tai-Tri , Poncirus trifoliata x Citrus taiwanica
Die Tai-Tri ist mindestens hart bis -15°C evtl.
-20°C .
Von USA habe ich die Juanita Tangerine bekommen ,
die einen Zufallssämling der Dancy Tangerine
darstellt. In Hardy Citrus For The Southeast
wörtlich :
JT (Citrus reticulata) arose from a chance seedling from a supermarket tangerine planted by
Juanita Barrineau , South Carolina .The orginal
plant came from a seed planted in a pot with a
houseplant. The houseplant died , but the seedling flourished and was planted outdoors.The
resulting tree amazingly survived 0°F in 1985 and
continue to bear about five bushels of fruit
annually. The tree and fruit resemble Dancy Tange-
rines. The tree is upright with numerous branches
and twigs and few thorns , especially on bearing wood . Fruit is typical for Dancy ; a rich orange
tangerine about three inches in diameter , oblate
and with radial furrows at the stem end. The pulp is a rich orange color , tender , and very sweet.
It also ripens in the Southeast by Thanksgiving ,
well ahead of Dancy , and is more desirable for
that reason. The cultivar demonstrates the value
of trying seedlings of more common fruit.
Flavor: sweet tangerine , no off-flavors ,
excellent quality.
Uses : Dessert

Die Sämlinge der Juanita Tangerine sollen bis
-12°C winterhart sein.
Die erwähnten und neuere Ichangensishybriden
werden das Zitrus Sortiment erheblich erweitern.
MfG Jost

Bild : Mein Ichangensis-Baum im Winter

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